With our help your online wedding will be quick, easy and cheap
Our package is the most complete. If you want to add or remove an item, contact us via WhatsApp or email and let us know your needs.
Our services:
Everything you need to have a 100% legal marriage!
USD 170,00
Our service includes:
We do submit documents and deep process monitoring
You get marriage licensing issued by local authority in 2 or 3 days
Physical and digital marriage certificate
Celebration of the ceremony with an authorized bilingual official
Translations at the ceremony made by our authorized official
Whatsapp support at all stages
We provide 2 witnesses (Optional)
Apostille or Certificate (Optional)
Traduções Juramentadas (Opcional)
Additional Costs:
County Fee (US Government):
USD 71,75 (Pay on the American Government website)
Fine for not taking the Basic Course for Couples:
USD 20,00 (Pay on the American Government website)
Bilingual Authorized Officer Service:
USD 150,00 (Pay on authorized official website)
The Hague Apostille to validate marriage in other countries:
USD 55 ,00 (Pay on the American Government website)
Testemunhas caso não tenha (Minimo 2)
USD 25,00 each (Pay on our website)
Submission of documents:
USD ??,00 (Varies depending on distance and level of urgency)
If you have any questions, we are available via email or Whatsapp (click here)